How to Volunteer
- Tutor
- Student Referrals
- Fund Raising
- Office Help
- Promotions/Public Relations/Speaker’s Bureau
- Grant Writing
Temple Literacy Council needs your support and help in fighting illiteracy. Since 1988, the Temple Literacy Council has operated a small but successful literacy program funded through the generous support of money and time by local individuals, community organizations and business and corporate donors.
Volunteers are needed to serve as tutors or as other types of volunteers for the Council. Perhaps you know an adult who could use some help with reading and writing and could tell that person about the program and help change a life. Perhaps you are a member of an organization looking for ways to improve our community.
If you can read, you can help as a volunteer tutor. Tutors are trained in the Laubach Literacy method, a tested and proven system of teaching phonetic reading. Tutors attend a training session and then spend an average of one to two hours per week working one-on-one with adult learners who want to improve their basic reading skills. Tutoring is carried out in a quiet, confidential setting convenient to the tutor and learner, often at the Temple Public Library.
Since TLC is almost exclusively a volunteer organization, there are many other opportunities for people to help out TLC and the people they serve. Because there is only one part-time paid staff member it would be useful to have some volunteer office staff available to take phone calls and hand out applications to prospective students. Other volunteer opportunities would include helping get TLC’s message out to the community, perhaps creating brochures or television spots. Or, if you like to look for grant opportunities, or write grant applications, or you like to organize fund raisers and have some good ideas in this area the Council could definitely use your help!
Temple Literacy Council
100 West Adams Ave.
Temple, TX 76501
254-774-READ (7323)